
Year 2025 Monthly Activities


(Scheduled activity takes place on last Sunday of each month at Society’s premise, 2 pm; unless otherwise stated)

23-2 会员大会,改选新理事
23-2 AGM and electing new committee, 55 Genting Lane , Singapore 349563

27-4 林朝华讲解盆景新老木几座

27-4 Talk by Lim Keow Wah on new&old wooden stand for penjing。69 Jalan Taman. Singapore 329008

4-5 一日游参观盆景展赛,柔佛古来城市森林广场
4-5 One day trip to Johor Kulai Bandar Hutan Square Penjing Exhibition Competition

29-6 2点 陶光龙窑 4点 裕华园
29-6 2pm, Thow Kwang Pottery Dragon Kiln, 85 Lor Tawas. Singapore 639823 and 4pm Chinese 60 Yuan Ching Rd, Singapore 619672

18- 21/7 参加峇里岛 亚太盆景水石展会
18- 21/7 Participate in Asia Pacific Bonsai and Suiseki Exhibition and Conference,Gianyar Regency, Bali Indonesia

31-8 在 杜莱·顺穆甘 Durai住家盆景示范
31-8 Penjing demonstration at house of Durai. 24 Jalan Seaview Singapore 438338

25-26/10 马六甲两日一晚游

25-26/10 Malacca 2 days 1 night tour.

28-12 年尾聚会庆祝

28-12 Year End gathering celebration