About our Society

Singapore Penjing and Stone Appreciation Society was founded in 1977 with the aim of promoting the art and cultivation of Penjing.  In the later years, appreciation of Artistic Stones was incorporated into the society. Our clubhouse has a small library and bonsai nursery plot for usage by members on a rental basis. We hope through everyone's participation and exchange of ideas; both locals & foreign enthusiasts, would help to popularize and continue to improve the standard of this living art in Singapore.


新加坡盆景赏识学会成立于1977年,旨在促进盆景的艺术和种植。在近年,雅石的欣赏被纳入学会。我们的会所有一个小型图书馆和盆景苗圃地块,供会员以租赁方式使用。我们希望通过每个人的参与和思想交流; 无论是当地人还是外国爱好者,都将有助于推广并继续提高新加坡盆景创作与雅石赏识艺术的水平。


Originated from China, the ancient art of miniaturizing trees and landscape involves not only the skill of styling; understanding of the basics of cultivation is equally important.  Finally, with continual care and patience, the tree matures and changes evolving into the living art of Penjing creation. 

On the other hand, the appreciation in the beauty of artistic stones is a reflection of man’s admiration of nature.


源于中国, 古老的艺术以缩小矮化树木和山水景呈现在盆上. 不只涉及到艺术上的造型, 认识基本生物的栽培也同样重要. 最后需要不间断的照顾和长久坚持.树不断生长转变和成熟使盆景演变成有生命的一门艺术.

另一方面 , 对于雅石的欣赏, 可以反映人对自然单纯的欣赏..